Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fat Cattle

There will be an abundance of fat cattle coming out of Western Queensland in the coming months. The natural pastures have responded to the recent rain, and are growing across the vast expanse of the outback. Much of the beef that is grown in the outback is organic, and has its own unique flavour and a very special tenderness.

For a primary producer to use the organic label, the cattle must have been bred and grown on 100% organic feed, which in Western Queensland means they have eaten the natural herbage and pastures. They have also spent their life in the great outdoors, living in fresh air amongst the sunshine and rain. A certified organic beef producer must undergo an accreditation process which clearly demonstrates that the beef production is done under organic management guidelines.

Increasingly, organic beef is labelled as such, so why not check out what you can find in your local butcher, supermarket or restuarant. You will be in for a treat.............and there will be many head of cattle trucked out in the coming months.

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