Thursday, September 10, 2009

National Bilby Day

Who Am I?

I am a native Australian animal that has a very long tongue, a long pointed snout, a long tail and big ears. I am mostly covered in silky soft blue-grey fur; however have a striking black tail with a pure white tip. I grow up to 55 cm long, and I dig burrows where I spend each day, and I come out a night to eat insects, seeds, bulbs and fruit.

I am a Bilby. I am found in Western Queensland, and I am an endangered animal. As a result of my disappearing habitat and competition with introduced animals, my numbers have dramatically reduced in the last century. Prior to European settlement, I could be found on over 70% of the Australian mainland; however there are only a few small populations of us surviving today. One such place is the Western Rivers areas between Boulia and Birdsville at Astrebla Downs. I am a masterful survivor and a proud resident of the Outback.

In tribute to this amazing animal which is a member of the Bandicoot family, the Western Rivers Carer has sketched this image of a Bilby. Aren’t Bilbies an amazingly special animal?

Do you know that this Sunday 13th September is National Bilby Day?

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